6 Pieces Of Expert Fitness Advice

The fitness industry is ever-evolving, and staying up to date with the newest "tricks" can be daunting. Below are my top six pieces of expert advice for achieving your fitness goals. Whether you are new to the fitness world or just looking for fresh ideas to take your training to the next level, this list will have you covered!

Take control of your health and fitness, for good.

  1. Get rid of the excuses

  2. Start with small and achievable goals

  3. Invest in a personal trainer

  4. Find accountability

  5. Get enough sleep

  6. Plan your meals for the week

1. Get Rid of any Excuses

Excuses are a part of life, but they should not be allowed to become part of your fitness routine. If you need help getting rid of excuses, try these three steps:

  • 1) Identify where the excuses are coming from. Is there something that could be preventing you from exercising? Are certain things making it difficult for you to get in shape or achieve your goals?

  • 2) Look at how much time and money it would take to solve those problems—and then do it! If there's any way around them, don't hesitate to take advantage of it.

  • 3) Make sure people around you understand that this is a new phase in your life. Tell them about all the changes that have been happening and explain why those changes are important for their health as well as yours.

2. Start with Small, Achievable Goals

Achievable goals are important because they help you to establish a sense of accomplishment, which can be motivating. If you set yourself up for failure, it will be more difficult to keep going. Instead, break down your larger goal into smaller pieces, and aim for one small victory at a time. For example:

  • Set your big fitness goal and break it up into smaller goals

  • Then make a plan that includes replacing 1 sugary drink per day with water or tea; choosing low-calorie foods over high-calorie ones at lunch, and exercising 30 minutes four days per week. This new routine will lead to small changes over time that adds up to an overall healthy lifestyle, which leads us back to our first point: “Start with Small Goals!”

  • Success is compounding. Small wins add up over time.

3. Invest In A Personal Trainer

I feel that everyone needs some level of coaching. I use our HOMEFIT Training app to keep me on track with my goals. Hiring a personal trainer is a great way to remove yourself and get an outside perspective. A personal trainer can help establish a training plan and keep you on track with your nutrition, and also help make adjustments to avoid plateaus. 

Here are some tips when looking for a personal trainer:

  1. Reach out to clients that currently work with trainers and get feedback.

  2. Try a free session to ensure it is a good fit

  3. Get trainers' credentials and certifications

  4. Take trainers through an interview process

4. Find Accountability

Being able to hold yourself accountable is a huge part of achieving your fitness goals. If you don't have any accountability, then it can be difficult to stick with a program and see results. 

When starting a new fitness program, ask yourself why you want to do it. What are your motivating factors for starting a fitness routine? Is it to have a better body composition? Feel better? Feel more confident? Or maybe to enjoy a family vacation. Regardless of the reason, you have to commit. 

Find someone that will go on your journey with you. A friend or family member is a great option. Not only are you improving your health and fitness but also theirs. Having a strong social support system is pivotal to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

5. Get Enough Sleep

There are few things more important for your health than sleep. Getting enough sleep will improve your mood, energy levels, and overall well-being. If you don't get enough sleep, it can negatively affect everything from your weight to your heart health.

If you want to be physically fit and healthy, one of the best things you can do is get a good night’s rest every night. Here's how:

  • Sleep at least seven hours each night; eight or nine hours is even better if you can swing it

  • Make sure that your bedroom is dark and quiet so that it's easier for you to fall asleep and stay asleep (no TV or computer before bed!)

  • Don't drink too much caffeine during the day (or at all) because it could keep you awake at night

6. Plan Your Meals for the Week

A great way to ensure you eat healthy, balanced meals is to plan. You can save money by knowing what you'll be eating, and you'll know what ingredients to buy. It's great for your fitness goals because it helps ensure that you don't overeat or accidentally order a high-calorie meal at a restaurant. Planning meals also keep the process fun and exciting—you'll want to try new recipes!


It's not easy to get in shape.

It's not easy to lose weight. It's not easy to build muscle. But it is possible, and you can do it!

If you take these tips to heart, you'll be on your way to getting into the best shape of your life. Remember that no matter how hard it is for someone else, it can always get harder for you—but that doesn't mean giving up!

Here at HOMEFIT we strive to help you achieve all of your health and fitness goals. Contact us today to schedule your free evaluation.


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